Sunday, June 27, 2010

Arab Times: Better Luck Next Time

Whenever one reads the paper, certain headlines have a habit of jumping out at you, eye-catchers, the title sounds so intriguing, so thought provoking, you immediately find your eyes scanning down the paragraph and realise... its a hoax.

This is a habitual occurence in Kuwait News Media, which tends to over-exaggerate the titles to make the article appear snazzier than it really is.

For example:
Title: Devil worshippers caught

article: KUWAIT CITY, May 31: Police have arrested two young devil worshippers and are looking for others for disturbing shoppers at the Central Market in Adan, reports Al-Shahed daily.

Acting on information police rushed to the place and saw the youths wearing weird clothes and carrying strange tattoos on their bodies.

However, the youths escaped when they saw police. The two arrested youths have admitted that they are devil worshippers.
Now, the very title would have me believe that some deranged, unfortunate sob was nabbed whilst, oh lets say, sneaking into a cemetary to perform a sacrifice of a goat on a night with a full moon. No where in my imagination would I have thought that the "Devil Worshippers" were simply shopping and merely disturbed shoppers.
Highly unworthy news.

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