Tuesday, April 05, 2011

WTF Salmiya High-Street Beggars?

So recently every time I hit Salmiya, I must have an incident with a beggar.

The first one was a well-dressed youth who said something about having lost this-or-that (I was on the phone at the time, probably made me an easier "Mark") and needed a small amount to do something. Feeling pious, I decided to help him out. (This dude was standing near the Ibis Hotel, close to Sultan Center)

As I was driving away I saw him standing with another person who just walked away, hence I knew, I was duped.

Second, and this is the kicker, I was accosted by a burka-clad woman, I tried to play the "I-don't-speak-Arabic" card, but she spoke to me in English (mental note, try French next time). The reason this is a kicker is because after asking me for money, she had the audacity to set a minimum limit! She was like, no, no please I want more, more. (she was right infront of Fanar)


FYI folks, begging in Kuwait is ILLEGAL.

I know for a fact that if I were ever in a situation where I:

a) Lost my wallet
b) Had no money
c) Had a relative in the hospital (God Forbid)

I would either go into a shop, ask to use their phone, call a friend and ask them for help, or just swallow my pride and walk home or something. I would never stick my hand out to stranger in the street. For c) I would never look to strangers for help.

And the usage of "my (insert relative/kinfolk here) is in the hospital" excuse is really, really pathetic. I believe in Karma, and using this excuse will backfire in a negative way, since people use it to elicit sympathy.

Those two cases were only a day or so apart, so all Salmiya goers, heed this warning, part not with your hard-earned money to these ne'er-do-wells, lets face it, if their relatives really were in the hospital, I doubt they would be begging on the street for money from strangers, as opposed to calling up all their friends and relatives and asking for loans.

These people are parasites who play on the religious element within folks, each Muslim is required to pay 2.5% of their annual earning as zakat (alms) IF they are able to, and if a year has elapsed on said amount of money. There is also "sadaqat" (hand-outs) and those have no limits and are up to the persons discretion. So these people incite the name of God to get money.

Whether or not they really need it is not for me to know or decide, but I do know for a fact that the Kuwait Zakat House (link) helps out those in dire need. And there are plenty of decent Philanthropists in Kuwait that fund the Zakat House.

I do not see any situation in which it would be alright to ask a stranger for money. At all. Period.

End of story.


ecletic kuwaiti said...

Yes I totally agree with you. Also the kids that sell flowers and toys at the traffic lights should be stopped. People end up buying from them just out of pity. Kids shouldn't be spending their childhood selling on the streets.

LorD AymZ said...

Ecletic, yo hit the nail right on the head.

children should not spend their childhood like that, you see women outside mosques with children begging for money, that is not a way to live.

that is why kuwait curbs visit visas during ramadan. but that is not enough.

you cannot have those kids growing up getting used to the idea of just begging for money, it goes with the adage of give a man a fish, teach a man to fish.

i know that one should call the cops on beggars, but i dont think i would be able to. despite.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that beggar in Salmiya, that was Wataniya Airways ex-employee as they were all throwed to the street after company ceased. No salary, no ticket home, visa,.. Thanks God Lulu hypermarket is now donating food for those still stuck there while others providing shelter. Just like dogs, right? Life is not always easy and no one is to judge so give them if you have and thank God you are not in their shoes.

LorD AymZ said...

with all due respect my friend, i know a con when i see it. and yet, i still give.

i doubt any hardworking individual would stick out their hand to strangers, not whilst the kuwait zakat house is here.

your comment is appreciated.